I donno how to implement it, but fuzzy logic-based stick and carrot always works best.

Only then we'd need (<60-year-)old ex-toribashians who have nothing else to do than wade through loads and loads of mostly indifferent replays and give good criticism in the process. That way the good replays could be collected too.

But then there'd be the problem that came about first with wine, then with movies, and next with everything ever rated out of a maximum: the bar always rises like the turtle retreating into the abyss of decimals, never being reached by the hare that is (or are) here the quality of the replays.

(I'm sure digesting that sentence either induces a brain infarction or the effects of LSD)

if everyone was sensible and used said fuzzy logic, and elaborated a bit, there wouldn't be a problem. If everyone rated two threads for a thread of theirs rated, the only problem would be running out of threads. But the majority of the posters on the replays board is (or, to be exact, was when I last checked) freeriders who post a thread and bump it when it sinks.
I refuse to grab.
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