Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I lost faith in the board when the replays got all shitty. Not all of them, there have probably been a ton of good ones while I was away, but the amount of noobish stiff and slow replays skyrocketed at a time.

Having to write the same "this basically sucks but I don't want to kill your creativity by being too harsh" comment over and over again fatigued me out. Thinking back, a stencil should've done the job, since the problem really was noobies not checking what the competition was before posting.

That said, neither did I. I remember fighting for my horrible madmans, because, as said, I didn't know where the bar was. In part, that's because of some of the commenters who, instead of telling noobs how bad they really are, they just compliment them, hopefully meaning to keep them motivated instead of purposefully causing what it's doing, eg. shitification of the replays (then-the game) board.

Originally Posted by deady View Post
Meamme0 actually brings a good point imo though. I remember a while back there was a rule in place that said you had to go into some amount of detail when commenting, because posts of "ZOMG awesome!!" dont really do anything. But even then, I used to comment the hell out of replays (I even wrote like 3 pages on shooks replays) but anymore I just cba to do it because it takes a lot of time and work. And as far as I know Archlups stopped doing it in part because his replays weren't commented in a similar way.

to be exact, I lost inspiration, partially because of that, partially I just simply ran out of ideas. the thing is, I would've gotten ideas from the comments. And even though I'm not one of the best replay makers, I still kept my interest in TB going by making replays of my own and getting comments for them. You were right, you were just missing a step.

that, and I got lazy. Instead of completely lethargically lazy like some seem to be, my laziness is just one attribute in a triangle like the relation of the pressure, temperature and volume of gases. The remaining ones are available time and how much fun I consider what I'm doing to be. The laziness is a constant (I'm usually in NTP laziness conditions), though, and both the other attributes decreased.

If the replays board consisted of only the good (ones that can be considered enjoyable) and great (ones that are enjoyable and in which you have to look for flaws to find them) replays, I'd happily rate the whole first page like I used to do, if I had the time, that is.
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