Original Post
[DSC] F8tL
Joining F8tL-

This is a somewhat new clan made December 31, 2009(happy 2010) and here is how to join.


Belt(no belt requirments at the moment, but it would be nice if u are atleast brown belt):

Favorite Mod(s):

Best Mod(s):

(If any) previous clans:

About yourself:

Forum activaty(Dont worry if you're not that active on forums, to be honest, it really doesnt matter as long as youre active in-game.):

All members are welcome to vote(its not majority rules, also members, before you say no to an app, their must be some sort of reason for you're no) I will look over you're app, i would like people with good grammer allthough its not required. If you get excepted in forums, meet up, or plan a time to be tested by either the co-ldrs, testers, or by me. If you pass the test, than youre in the clan F8tL.


Leader: Pur3vil



Clan story: Pur3vil was bored on new years eve, played some modern warfare 2, then made the clan F8tL. The end

If you do not get excepted Please dont post on page again.

Noo Usless posts!



F8tL blow! Yes, you did just get owned.

also, if u want to join plz read everything, i will add new stuff to it

(User was infracted for this post (Ignoring almost every single clan rule there is, besides putting a [DSC] on the title.))
Last edited by suomynona; Jan 1, 2010 at 05:51 PM.