Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Help Me Make Textures GOOD Prize
Hi guys,

I recently lost some tc i buying txture items but now i need some images

i need head and biceps atm

but i cant seem to figure out how to make good ones.

i look in art/videos to find some ideas i find them but cant do them

i need help making textures if u halp me i can put u in my sig


These people helped me-(Names)

plese help i dont want to buy them because darkjack and mrama are kinda rip offs even though their heads are good cuz 10-15k for a normal head and like almost 30k for a awesome head and like 250k for sets id rather make m own and give some for free

i really need help

style i need help in


My idea of the texture set ima make is a On/Off robot

So somewhere on every texture i wanna fit on a on or off button

and th rest part robotic so if u can make me a video on making certain things or make a video showing u vreating a robotiv head it would help alot also if u can kinda get me started by making the head or biceps or triceps i can pay u 3-9k for the head 3k-7k for arm textures indivisual
or 7k for each pair of shins and thighs u help me make so remember i kinda want a video of u making a robotic visor and drtsiled parts the better the vid teh more tc plz help