Originally Posted by TouchyDuck View Post
How many comments would 10k words use at the current rate?

I dont know what you is the next part. If you dont want to read it, let me know.


If anyone would have ever asked Bill about his weight he would have probably said something along the lines of "It’s my glands", or "I'm just a fat ass". He would have said that "when I was a kid I was thinner then a fuckin toothpick". He wouldn’t have said anything about being chronically lethargic, morbidly depressed and inclined to escapism. He wouldn’t have mentioned the fact that after his second wife left him he tried to commit suicide and failed, but never lost his urge to die. He might not have known all these things as clearly as I say them, but that is the truth and unfortunately I won’t be able to come back later and tell you I made it all up.

Bill had worked in some form of fast food for more than 20 years. When he started, people working the grills at burger joints actually had to flip the burger, the orders didn’t pop up on computer screens throughout the entire store, if a person didn’t get their food in 60 seconds, they didn’t call you a shit face. Bill had faith in fast food "People gotta eat" he would say. Unlike most fast-food employees though Bill never really lost his taste for the stuff, they say that in some fast food there are chemicals that are mildly addictive and after meeting Bill I believe this. Every day Bill ate a sandwich, he also ate a salad when they started serving them. The sad truth is though that Bill ate for the wrong reasons. Like many Americans (myself included to a point) and people not starving to death in some third world country, Bill ate for taste alone. Eating was not survival to Bill, eating was pleasure, he chose his meals based on what he was in the mood for and what would taste best. The difference about Bill was that he gave no thought to how his choices would affect him and the world around him, if he did think it through he didn’t care. For Bill eating was the same as getting drunk or beating off.

One week after Bill died I got a new job, this time at a burger joint that indicated royalty in its name. I was back in the drive through, back in the headset, back with the voices. Many of them were the same voices that I had heard before; they would come on different days, less often, more frequently. Agnes never showed up and that sort of saddened me but in a way I was happy that she kept her intake of this shit to a minimum. Aside from that the only difference in this job from my last was the food. I had a few more overweight bosses and I made 50 cents less. This is when things started to change.

I decided to take a few years off of school; "some time to get my head on straight" is what I called it then. I was still gonna build that massive building one day, maybe right in downtown arch dale, but for now I needed a break from school. My girlfriend didn’t. She didn’t want to wait for school and apparently, she didn’t feel like waiting until marriage to have sex anymore. She moved out of state and started college the next fall. I didn’t take this to well and I basically long distance stalked her, I would call her up and cry and tell her we were meant to be. One day I called her and when I asked how she was she said "I'm having sex"

"What like right now?" I asked

"No, but every night...his name is Durk and he's 35. Stop calling me" then she hung up on me.

After that I was too pissed off to care about her aside from a feeling of deep resentment. She became my Bitch number 1 I suppose.

Eventually I started getting new interests in life. I would go to the Archdale main library and study things like vegetarianism and veganism. I learned about a group of people that eat only when they get really hungry and weak, they eat for survival and nothing else. I learned about groups like P.E.T.A. I read books, visited websites. I wasn’t sure if I could ever stop eating meat but I wanted to.

I learned about things like factory farms and the negative affects they have on the planet and farmers. I saw videos on the internet of cows being slaughtered, chickens being dipped into huge pots of boiling water and emerging with their feathers gone and in a state of shock. I saw pictures of veal calves. I learned figures on how much meat America alone consumes in one year and how long it takes for the land of factory farms to regain its fertility. I learned about the different grades of meat and what they mean.
After a while I decided that this was indeed the life for me, I stopped eating meat, I joined P.E.T.A. I tried to educate people, I wanted to save the world and its animals from the endless and remorseless appetite of my country. I started to wake up.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.