Sounds like all those cheekily worded "fixed" explanations up there

So I'll go ahead and answer the "spicing up question" of yours:

Yes, I have. Sort-of because I'm interested, but three out of the four I've taken were also because they're easy classes. As I usually do with easy classes, I pay the little attention it takes to get good grades out of them, instead of missing an opportunity for an easy 9 or 10.

That is, for the exception of the programming class. The three others were basic stuff: picture manipulation, using word and excel, so on (one in each secondary I've been in, and a third slightly more advanced one in the first year of high school, or the equivalent system we have). But the programming was the actual thing: c++. Not really advanced, but still, making programs yourself. I was very interested on the subject and even used some of my free time to finish the main work for it, a sucky text-based game with bugs and optimization issues (lol, it must be something of an accomplishment to make a poorly optimized <100kb program :P). Still, it's sort-of a game and I'm pretty satisfied with it.

Yes, that got me a 10.
I refuse to grab.
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