Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The History of Dinner.
Once, like, a long time ago, A new food was found. The name of this food was the steak.

Everyone loved the steak and begun cooking the steak on grills and the such. The juicy, greasy goodness of the steak was savored by all. Some liked the steak ALOT and decided, why only one? Let's make more.. Let's call it Dinner. People who enjoyed the steak went on to create burgers, turkeys, and hot dogs. Some even created condiments for them such as the fabled mustard and ketchup. But all was not at peace..

The people's pallets split apart and groups were formed. Soon enough the food groups were at war. Steak hated hot dogs, burgers hated turkeys, and vise versa, they all hated the others. Their gr2t3rness than Breakfast kept them from killing one another, though.

But one day, a waffle got too close to a steak....

The steak pulled out a butter knife and a bottle of syrup, and... Well.. You know the rest...

The Dinner and Breakfast waged a ketchupy and very syrupy war, But soon enough both were reduced to nothing, mere hundreds.

One day, the Dinner invested all of their power into three steaks.

The steaks sailed across the oceans in garlic bread pontoon boats for 2500 years...

The journey was long and strenuous, the dormant steaks laid on the boats, sometimes almost falling off... Raging storms whipped the waters heavily.

When the steaks reached shore, they knew what to do.

When three people at almost the same time woke up, they found a steaming grilled medium rare steak on their beds with some A-1 steak sauce on them.

The three chosen ones yelled: "Oh boy, Dinner for breakfast! I really hate waffles and other breakfast foods." And devoured the steaks, and got up, starting the day.

The steaks had an unimaginable power awakened when they were ingested and didn't need power from game consoles, cause they rocxorzed waffles so much.

The Three Chosen Ones grew amazing powers.

1337dude, Leader of the steaks and the Judo and secondary TK master.

Weakest Pro, A recruit of unimaginable power and the Judo Master, tied with 1337.

Noob_Reaper, Master of TK and Teh Uber Soul Reaper, and is here just because he's the only one in Dinner with teh mastr kiks.

Together these Three Chosen Ones track down the huge, BREAKFAST EMPIRE and recruit others, giving them a part of their steak's power.

It is rumored that the Dinner Chosen Ones have the power to overthrow the Breakfast Leader, Manbreakfast, without help from the other two.

The Adventures of the Chosen Ones.

Chapter one, the other white meat.

While the chosen ones ran around and ownzraterd waffles left and right with their mad skillz, they wandered upon a person with a turkey birth mark on their.. Uhh.. Nevermind that part. That was the dinner's mark.

The chosen ones exchanged glances and poked the man, only to find he tasted like steak, too!

The chosen ones blinked and the man turned around, revealing himself as the original steak inventor....

*Dum dun dum duuunn, dun dun dum duuuummmmmmmmm*

Err, anyways, LAMPY!

"You're... You're the steak uber wuhn, aren't you?" asked Pro, a dumbfound look on his face.

The man nodded. "Yup. Where have you been for 2500 years? you're kinda late here, we wanted to shoot for 2000..."

1337, Pro, and Reaper twiddled their thumbs.

1337 yawned. " I still ownerate you anyways, so juu don't get the clan. So there. Ha."

Lampy tried to own 1337dude but he was quickly ownzrzed by his mad skills. Afterwards Lampy gave up.

Reaper spotted a nearby noob and sent up a decapitation snapkick, packing the noob's soul away. "Well, We might as well take him with us so we can liek ownerashun even more." Because they roxored Breakfast so much, they owned several waffles more before ending the day and crawling into their huge underground Super Hard Shell Taco Base and falling asleep.

Quick update to add him in, More still later.

The Adventures of the Chosen Ones
Chapter Two,
A Nasty Reunion

The next day.....

1337dude woke up to find that Reaper, Pro, and Lampy where gone.

He walked outside to only find that the leader of Breakfast was right there.

Suddenly a glance of hatred was exchanged between 1337dude and Manbreakfast.

"What are you doing here!?" said 1337dude.

Manbreakfast evilly smirked, "I was only coming here to see you." he said sarcasticially.

Suddenly Pro, Reaper, and Lampy had returned from getting supplies for the base.

"Where Have you guys Been!?" Shouted 1337dude.

"Just getting supplies for the base." They said all together.

"Miss me?" said Manbreakfast.

They all had a look of suprise on their face.

Just as they had been suprised 1337dude rushed at Manbreakfast. "You will die!" Yelled 1337dude.

After the raging battle Manbreakfast had teleported and 1337dude was out of energy.

The gang had helped 1337dude into the base and he had fallen asleep while Pro, Reaper and Lampy worked on the base.

Chapter 3: Payback is a Rotten pile of Nachos, eh?

Reaper narrowed his eyes and stepped into the Habanaro Teleporter, Which used the UB3R STR0NG spicyness irradiating from it to materialise and dematerialise people in certain locations.

He tapped the touch pad and the pepper seed door slid shut, instantly sealing and seconds afterwards teleporting them to their destination.

The Domain of The Waffle Leader.

The castle was made of crusty waffles and would have been impossible to get through on brute force.

The group fought through the soldiers and reached a tall throne made of pure chips that looked like King Louis IV.

Manbreakfast stared down at them, a smug look on his face.

" Come for some more 1337 OWNAGASHUN, Steak sauce bloods? "

The three swiftly dashed forward, Reaper leaped over his head with provided leverage from sending his fist into the top of it and flipped once midair, sending a crunching kick to his back, Hearing his spinal cord crack satisfyingly, he followed by wrapping his arm around his legs and snapping them by sending a knee to his ass, and followed up by extending his knees into his neck, flipping off of him.

Pro hopped onto the throne armrest nimbly and caught a fist shooting at him, twisting it behind Manbreakfast's back and poking his own finger up a sensitive place.

1337Dude backflipped onto Manbreakfast's head and wrapped his legs around his neck, Cracking it. He put his hands on the armrest and flipped over, releasing Manbreakfast, which slid him across the floor into a wall, a bonecrunching crunch pursuing.

Manbreakfast dragged himself out of the room with one arm, cursing and whining about how much teh Dinner ownzrzed him.

When they returned the next day to ownzrz more waffles, the fortress had moved and there were giant eggo waffle shaped footprints where the castle must've... walked.. away. Liek 1337 ftw.

Chapter 4: TEH HUHZRZ?!?!!?

The group set out to look for the breakfast castle once more, following the waffle trails in the STEAK.

Aresenic poisoning (Commonly used in meat.) armor coated
Kick arse assault vehicle.

The treads left deep, greasy gashes in the ground, Following the waffle footprints perfectly.

Soon enough, they found the castle huddled into a conveniant patch of deep sand and abandoned the STEAK, breaking through the castle door with a battering pork tenderloin.

They were revolted to see Manbreakfast waiting for them, An eerie, almost pulpable glow of strong waffle about him.

Reaper yawned. "Let's get this over with, Manhebrokefast." He said. "IR teh pwn you with my being rank number one ness."

Manbreakfast scrunched up his face in what seemed to be concentration and let one rip, afterwards casually flipping his wrist and jolting them out of the castle.

I'll add more later, I'm kind of absorbed in TK right now.

(WP)Chapter 5: Mexico!

The four were walking through the forest outside of CBK castle when they were stopped by a semicircle in a hooded robe.

"Halt!" said the man

The four stop. "Who R you!. ANSWER OR I R TEH OWNERATE YOU!" demands Noob

"I am the mercenary that will give you a chance to defeat CBK, once and for all," the man said.

"We don't need any help," says Noob.

"You will if you want to get by ManBreakfast's new guards."

1337 steps in, preventing Noob from... "ownerating" him. "How exactly would you help us and how much would it cost?"

"I sneak into the castle and poison all of the troops. Cost? You are lucky you ran into me. I will only charge the return of my son."

"How would we go about doing that?" asked 1337

"He is locked up, deep in the castle walls. Near the throne room. I would get him myself, but ManBreakfast keeps the key in his pocket all the time."

"Okay, I think we can do that. One thing before we leave... who are you?"

The man hesitates for a moment, but eventually says "I... I am the Mexican Taco!" and rips off his robe, revealing a slimy greasy hard shelled taco man.

The team gasps.

That night...

Mexican Taco runs off into the night, heading towards the CBK castle. He attempts to slip through the gate when the guards are on duty. He is immediately taken down with a sweep kick to the legs. Mexican Taco appears to be beaten when all of a sudden, the guards start puking and running to the bathroom left and right. Mexican Taco speaks on the two way voice transit system (A.K.A. cups on a string) "Little did they know, I'm mexican food! All of us make you sick, else we are fakers!"

(WP) Chapter 6: Abandoned

The team awoke one morning to find Noob_Reaper missing

(WP) Chapter 7: Reunited

A week later, Noob rejoins the team

(P.S. these are the best two chapters ever)