Original Post
[Ferro] Recruitment
Ferro-Dita is a Invite-Only clan, but at times we will have tryouts to join, when low on members.


If you want to join post here with this aplication, any applications posted in the wrong format will be denied automaticaly.

Age(Don't Lie):
Gender(Don't Lie):
Favorite Mode, e; Aikido, Wushu, KB ect...:
Favorite Mod: e; Twinsword, Katana, lolnade ect...:
What can you provide to make Ferro-Dita a better clan:

If you don't want to be shunned, I'd advise on to joining, you are ready to devote at least 2 month to Ferro-Dita. A clan is a commitment, and 2 Months is more than enough time to get to know us.

Before actualy joining, most members will go into "trial" What that is, is where we allow you to reply to threads, and get to know members, but not post new threads. This gives us an idea of your posting quality and clan activity, it also gives you the opertunity to get to know the members, and make dang sure that our clan is the clan for you. After trial, you will be invited to the clan, if you liked us, you may put on your tag, and join Ferro-Dita.
Last edited by Cinamintz; Nov 19, 2009 at 06:42 PM.