Original Post
[Panda_ol] Pandora
Remind me to make a proper thread later when I'm not busy.


Perhaps the world is not ready for the secret the seven keep - but in this time of crisis, we find it necessary to tell only the utmost truth in order to recruit brave hearts to our cause.

Two travelers dressed in white robes were going down a grimy road in the forest at night. They could barely make out each other - feeling their way through the nebulousness of the pitch-black nighttime. However, one of them stumbled across - perhaps a rock, perhaps a branch, perhaps it was simply the mistress of cruelty that led them - the main thing was that the duo were now in unknown, obscure darkness.

Calmly, they searched for the road again, but with every step, they fell ever farther from the road vital to their lives, for they knew of the dangers that the forest would not fail to present themselves to the slowly panicking duo. However hopeless the situation was at that point - they both knew that to stand still at this time would be to go against the tides of the forest - to face up to all of the danger as a succulent target - it was much wiser, they both silently decided to themselves to keep pressing onwards.

A flicker of light - a slow, but steady trickle of water, a smell of perfume, both men noticed both of these at the same time. Like a lighthouse in the middle of a heavy storm during the night is for the crew members of a ship these signs drew the two men in - and it opened up an opening, filled with a mist so dense that one could barely see ones own legs, filled with the sound of water and an almost human humming.

They both felt her smile at the same moment - it was unmistakable, she was there, one could feel the light in her eyes from half of the earth away - and they both saw her wink through the mist, smiling, she lured the two into her cleverly planned trap, and only moments later she was dancing with both of them, smiling, with daggers behind her mouth. The two men - completely mesmerized - agree without any sort of resistance, to do her one favour - to open a box. She winks, and beckons them to a jeweled, dusty box, which without hesitation the two unlock. Two turn around and smile with a proud expression on their faces - only to find she has faded into the mist, and the two turn around to find all of the terrors of the world - feel the worst of torments, leading them into insanity.

The next thing the duo could remember was that both of them were lying face down on the hard, bricky pavement as twilight came. A strange dream? But that would not explain why the two of them were holding on to a clean, jeweled box. They look closer at the box - and the jewels spell out one word -


The two travelers are known as loje and Virtue - the leaders of the group of the guardians of the box.


To be a well recognized clan within the Toribash Community.

Rules and Regulations:

1.) Respect clan members, friend's, as well as the people who are not in the clan. You have the option whether to respect, or disrespect our foe's.

2.) If there are any double clanning members, report to Brubert, Vladvlad or Crazylars with evidence. Or we can just lurk around and see for ourselves.

3.) When wanting to bump a thread, make sure it has been over 24 hours from the last post, this applies to every board. Otherwise, some moderator will infract you for "illegal bumping".

4.) Do not double post unless you have a valid reason for it.

5.) Do not beg, whether it be for textures, items, or TC.

6.) If you make a loan in the clan bank, see to it that you must pay it within a month, otherwise, you will be in debt.

7.) Do not advertise shops here, or in different boards. Also try to avoid posting in other boards, we wouldn't want to be invading them too often. Unless the leader posts here saying that you're allowed, that's fine.

8.) Strictly do not do useless posting. Whereas you should not go off topic in a thread. This is an issue within the community.

9.) Stay as loyal as possible to the clan.

10.) Represent us well.

Try as much as possible to follow these rules accordingly.

Last edited by Brubert; Aug 25, 2012 at 01:23 PM. Reason: Hijacking.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3