Original Post
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Some wished that they wanted all the main protagonists and antagonists of the Final Fantasy series in one game. Well, they got their wish, with this new game called Dissidia.

It has wireless one-on-one multiplayer and fights revolving around the use of individual special skills of characters to do damage to opponents. Players can also customize their characters with equipment.
Character movement is fully functional within the three-dimensional field map. Characters are able to perform special maneuvers using the environment, similar to the Reaction Command feature of Kingdom Hearts II. Traps with a variety of ill effects can be found throughout the arena.


Warrior of Light - Final Fantasy I

Firion - Final Fantasy II

Onion Knight - Final Fantasy III

Cecil Harvey - Final Fantasy IV

Bartz Klauser - Final Fantasy V

Terra Branford - Final Fantasy VI

Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy VII

Squall Leonheart - Final Fantasy VIII

Zidane Tribal - Final Fantasy IX

Tidus - Final Fantasy X

Cosmos - Dissidia: Final Fantasy



Garland - Final Fantasy I

The Emperor - Final Fantasy II

Cloud of Darkness - Final Fantasy III

Golbez - Final Fantasy IV

Exdeath - Final Fantasy V

Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy VI

Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII

Ultimecia - Final Fantasy VIII

Kuja - Final Fantasy IX

Jecht - Final Fantasy X

Chaos - Dissidia: Final Fantasy



You may watch the opening movie of Dissidia: Final Fantasy here.


Sharing opinions about this game would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Virtue; Oct 24, 2009 at 03:56 PM.
master of the universe