Originally Posted by Marcoyeh View Post
I'm reading a thriller by Dean Koontz.

Eh. In my opinion, Koontz is a pathetically generic writer. In all of his novels, he has almost the exact same characters.

Female Lead- Tough, hardass bitch who has experience some emotional trauma but finds male lead relatable due to similar issues.

Male lead- essentially a pansy-boy who has a preexisting or developing attraction to female lead, whom he at first finds obnoxious but later begins to become infatuated with.

Antagonist- some guy who seems like a nice-looking dude until he starts murdering people, always a suspect that you wouldn't... suspect.

Dog- always some idiotic dog, almost exclusively a golden retriever, whom Koontz assigns human emotion.

Retarded child- some mentally disabled person who has some relation to male/female lead.

Read some McCarthy or Pynchon- that's real literature.
I am neither Oyster nor lsl.