This one faeg is in my US history class

We just got new seats, and two days ago he put his feet on my desk, right next to my arms and face.

To me at least, it was a very rude act.

Extremely pissed off, I asked him to take his feet off. He refuses.

After trying to shove them off with my hands (which was pretty disgusting as his shoes were dirty. The desk was also formed in such a way that I couldn't bend my arms much to the right), I picked up the US history textbook, which is a college book (Fuxxen HUGE) and slam the edge on his shins.

He looked pretty pained and he said, "Fuck, you coulda asked nicely"

I said," What do you THINK I just said?"

He falls silent. Still a faeg in my eyes though.

I mentally added him to my list of people to run into when I get my license.
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