Originally Posted by terryquan View Post
so the clan is dying.... we still have a very slim chance of surviving you know!

I doubt it.

MYI has cut off his activeness, Locker's not here, Jaden left. How could this clan survive with people like you who post willy nilly in the application thread, random topic threads, etc. More like spamming the thread.

You guys don't know when to post and when not to post. Seriously? Application thread only for applications? You were posting in it as if it were a discussion or debate thread. This is why people who want to apply think that when they see the 'application' thread seems more like a spam, discussion thread. They'll think that 'oh look I think I'm gonna apply in DIAF although they're application thread looks like a dump, I'll try another clan then that's more mature and organized'.

And the thread 'next clan vid' has become a wibbles thread. Going offtopic, being a nuisance, and it is only for the 'next clan vid'. Can't you guys read? Or do you need to go back to kinder-garden again.

Do the moderators of this board have to close every unstickied thread just to end the discussion? If you take a look at the other clan boards, such as Pandora, for instance. As you can see, they only post whenever it is necessary, and stay on topic. Unlike you, you post things in random threads like 'damn' 'shit, what are we gonna do now'.

What's more, I was proud that when I came to my first clan, DIAF, it was organized, 'cept for the thread titles though (Cann you suck o/ jk). And they were staying on topic. Then the newbies came, such as me, when I was new, spamming every thread willy nilly. Like CaptainLOL and me, but at least, after a few days time, both of us matured.

Unlike you, you people can't learn when to post and when not to post. Clearly, what you need to learn, is maturity.

So yeah, to conclude, that 'slim chance', is clearly, impossible.

You can report me, you can ban me, you can delete this post, but I'm just proving a point here.

Anything else you have against me? Flame me? Go on, act immature then.
Last edited by Virtue; Sep 6, 2009 at 07:05 AM. Reason: Removed the smilies o/
master of the universe