Original Post
[Omega] Art & Textures

This thread is for anything that has to do with art, textures, or anthing of that nature. I'll update this soon, but I wanted to make it available now.

Post any WIP textures you are making or any textures you have already made or sold. Post any art or drawings too I know we have a lot of members full of art stuff

Hazelbud adding:
I selected most of the free (for members!) clan textures, and clan dedicated art for easy enjoyment for lazy tb`ers!:


this one goes on the legs:


Yo, I was bored and remembered I was apart of the Omega Art Team so I Offer you an Omega Members Only Free Clan Head.

I give permission for any Omega member to mod this up all they like, I've even given you the unshrunked 512 version, and the blank outline I made at the start.

If you see anyone else with this or that has modded this and is not an omega then they will be prosecuted. lol

edit: here is a button i made

Hey all, as promised earlier I have finished my stamps. All higher-ups are free to use.

Anyway I've decided now that I've got some authority to make a Accepted and Rejected Stamp. No need for tiresome explanations of why the applicant doesn't have enough posts. Just a Simple massive "YOU HAVE BEEN REJECTED" stamp. You won't Have to use it if you don't want to, I'll just choose too lol.

Add fun to the delights of the application process.


Did somebody say ground tex


Oshit, I wana get in. Also, a pic of my best mates here. No offence for the others...



I was bored so I made a clan head.

Check out this shizzz.


Another one for me Waffle and Vex.

I made my Player Label:

you can also make your own by using my template.
here its how it looks like:

Download the template in PSD File:

Added waffledude

Nacho libre pants!

Possible Mascot Edit: Okay that's cool. :P no hard feelings. lol.

I was thinking of using him as the headers too! with different poses or maybe just different accessories. i'm also rewritting an unofficial clan story. anything you think I should include.

Playerid57 too:

Look at my kickass new ground texture :o

I had to hand-make the omega sign to match the font wadda you think ? :3

Lol nice... But wait... If fc is the "Muscles" lol that means im the "Brains"? o0 Lol
Does that mean im gonna be some creepy bat/pig nerd thing?! ;_;



this is a bury the hatchet gift for omega, wt it is used for ore if is not of my concern. (i can still edit the thingy its done in xcf)


ok, then love this, some of my rl art turns out torish!!

60X60cm acryl on canvas

nice stuff,
(i like that part of the process of texture making: when all designing is done, u can see it kicks ass and theres just some minor adjustments left before its all done.)

i made for the leaving thread as both a salute and a kick behind (but art are not welcome ower there). im posting both here now and then i think i stop making then
(so thers still no reason to quit the clan guys, lol)

ok, then love this, some of my rl art turns out torish!!

60X60cm acryl on canvas

tnx vex,
and i pimped ure picu hazelstyle,
but cant use it, if i change my av i loos the gif and i forgot to get a banner before they started charge for that to
8 (

more sexy ore less sexy, than omegaman over ?

just for fun banner made on spite ..

True (its just procentified original photo), but if it was more smooth the organs in penetration would be a giveaway, and some1 would report me and my account shotdown and I would cry...
Do you want that ?

But still a after smoothed version :

omega groundtex, may be i make a omega texvault for all of this...

made a entry for this comp:
Toribash Community ŧ Competitions ŧ Design Events Machismo Showcase

i made this silly gif but cant upload it, look:

the gif:

hey sagi gone through my stack ..
recolored this1 you can have, it might suet your armor ..
i would do some finish if u accept it...

i know "next frame: self KO !" lol

unofficial clan logo texture addons:
the original was offered long time ago, bt the left biceps n the head will now fit fine just pasted on ure original tex.




Jumpy Omega

Last edited by hazelbud; Jun 1, 2012 at 09:08 AM. Reason: adding monster collection of art