Your right Ezeth, I did get it wrong and there were 8 dm's...

2 When you ripped his arm off,
3 When you smashed his arm into his shoulder,
2 When you split and then hit the 2 pieces together, and
1 When your hand got dmed.

The actual frame-by-frame uke-to-uke dm's were 3 total:
2 When you smashed his arm into his shoulder, You ripped off his head with your own force, and
1 When you hit the torso and legs together.

Your actual total is then 12/35.

You must look closely at your replays Ezeth, because I am.
Don't argue with me when I have the evidence right under your nose.

I am also monitoring the replays very strictly.
Last edited by watashime; Aug 7, 2009 at 09:24 PM.
I am neither a sheep, nor am I a lion
Edit (10 years later): Damn, I was an edgy sellout...