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The Assassin
I'm 15 and i wrote this for English, what do you think:

The Assassin

As the day begins to slowly draw to a close, the remaining cars rush through the once busy streets. People walk past one by one and the splatter of rain bounces and echoes along the streets. But he lies there, surrounded by green, unaffected by anything, ready for what must be done. His eyes dart from side to side, his ears are alert; he senses everything, but feels nothing. He guides his gun across the dilapidated, thirty storey building, while observing every minute detail. He’s been here many times before, observing, planning, but now the preparation is over.

The surface of the building is nothing to be proud of; it is covered in cracks, has broken gutters, pipes hanging precariously, rusty window grates and is covered in a dull, peeling, grey paint. Although the building has many windows, they appear to have rarely been cleaned making it difficult to view inside. However, his training has enabled him to easily memorise the plans of the building and so even though he cannot clearly see inside he feels he knows every inch of the floor space.

The moon is beginning to replace the sun and the city is being engulfed in darkness. The rain continues to soak him, but he remains unfazed; focused on the building, focused on his mission, focused on the desired end result, like a leopard focusing on its prey.

Outside the building are scattered many dangerous looking men. They are obviously guards, but they are trying to remain inconspicuous. They appear to be agitated. Do they suspect what’s about to happen? He cannot be distracted. He has prepared, he has left no clues and so the only conclusion he can draw is that the activity of the guards must be coincidental.

A distant rumbling of a high powered car can be heard.

His pulse begins to race at the prospect of the arrival of his prey.

Car headlights come sweeping into sight. A black limousine approaches and stops in front of the building. The guards approach the vehicle, open a large umbrella and then open the rear door. From the darkness of the car appears a pale, white, very tall, skeleton like man. He is dressed in a grey pinstripe suit, with a white shirt and black tie. He is cleanly shaven, bespectacled and has dark slicked back hair. He has a pointed nose and very deep eye sockets making him look almost ghoulish. As he exits the vehicle he viciously and loudly chastises the guard, who seems to have allowed a drop of rain to slip past the umbrella. The man snatches the umbrella from the guard and marches himself into the building with distain.

His target has arrived!

The bushes rustle as he carefully and cautiously rises. It is time. He consciously times his move to match the natural sounds of his surroundings and, in this way, he quickly and silently creeps past the guards, down the alley besides the building, and makes his way to the large rain pipe he previously decided to exploit. He plans to scale the building and, stealthily, he begins his climb.

At the top of the pipe, is a small window which he easily leverages open using his screwdriver and then he squeezes and oozes into the building. With a thud, he lands in a clinically clean, white corridor. The killer quickly identifies any equipment which could be used to betray his presence. He disconnects sensors and disables security cameras. He can now track his prey and secure his exit without detection.

Confidently, he now makes his stealthy way to his victim’s office. Hoping and praying that his preparation was complete, he looks at his watch and knows that he has three more minutes to find his prey before its too late. In four minutes his victim will leave and his mission will be incomplete! He hastens his pace. Around the next corner will be the office and outside will be two well trained guards, which must be silently disabled. From his jacket pocket he removes two throwing stars, laced with a fast acting paralyzing serum; if they do not immediately die, they will be unable to raise an alarm. Without hesitation he runs round the corner and launches the stars towards the foreheads of the guards. By the time they see him, it’s too late! The way is now clear for him to dispense with his prey.

He enters the room unnoticed; his victim is in the bathroom. He waits behind the bathroom door and, as his victim exits, he quickly thrusts a lethal injection into his victim’s neck and, as he falls to the ground, the assassin says “Mr. Bryce says goodbye”.

With his mission complete, he exits the building using the same route that he entered by and he vanishes into the shadows.

Don't get put off by the length, it actually takes just 5 minutes to read, and it's pretty exciting

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