Hi there guys, I have decided to post an application to join RelaxAll, I’ve been wanting to do so for a while, as some of you may already know.

The names Kwygon, Josh in real life.

I come from South Africa.

I speak English, Hebrew, and Afrikaans.

I am currently a 9th Dan Black Belt.

I have been playing since November and succeeding quickly.

I thoroughly enjoy writing, whether it’s short novels, or poems.

I feel I am fairly well known amongst the community, and amongst this clan.

I am 15 years old, birthday is on June the 21st.

I do feel as if my wushu skill is around what you guys consider your standard, and it is most definitely rapidly improving.

I would like t join RelaxAll, because this clan has very high standards, and is a primarily wushu clan, a mod of which I spend most of my time in, and the majority of my won tourneys.

RA focuses on what a clan really should be like, a group of players under the same belief and playing under the same name, I can see myself as a member making this clan proud. I thoroughly enjoy playing with the RA members, and keep in contact with a few. Those would be Playaj, Nikelaos, FlamingBob, and Blahaaa.

Here's 4 wushu randoms/openers/comebacks. And one of my favourite SP replays.

If you guys would like to know anything else, or play with me ingame, then know that I am ingame a lot and on msn, so you can add me there. (PM me for my addy)
• ~Kwygon