Originally Posted by Blahaaa View Post
About Warmedic: Me say Yes :] looks pretty nice and skilled, maybe a lil too less relaxed but for me "ok" :]

About Guinomu: Nonlax at all, we r not 'school for young talents" but a clan with a long tradicions and aspirations. Speaking too much (about everything and nothing). Whats more, this evening i saw you flattering to Odlov.
Oppinion: learn to relax and try again after some time :b

erm... do u forgot about medic? he came to wushu7 and talked erm..."greenbelty" things he looked at Ltkenny and said "(...)omg suck my belt, so awessome suck my belt , aw look at dis suck my belt , oh yeah suck my belt (...)" filled my screen wit spam, and (sorry for the term) almost "kissed blah's ass" and u tell i'm the great talker. about relaxing is not ez to change entire style of playing in 1-3 days, im adaptin to it. but k i wont post nothing here (only if u ppl ask me to) and just wait clan decision.
