Original Post
Quitting toribash.
Hello Fellow Toribashians.

Yes its time for me to quit Toribash, due to having abnormal big mistake rations in Maths and German. Also i have some personal problems, and i want to clear them.

It is hard to go, because im here like every day and i have much friends here, it makes fun to play with you guys and talk, and ive never expected that i get so much attention when i started.

Since i belt up 1 dan in like 2 months, its not very hard to leave, even though im nearly at my 10th month.

I will now thank all the people that helped me alot here.

The Addicted Clan

You guys, are definitly the most crank bunch of players in toribash, but hey, i like you all, prolly because of that fact. You guys are funny, and you helped me in lots of places, thanks for that, keep it going.
I dont want anyone of you leaving because i quitted, i will check the forums sometimes, and maybe post, but i will not play anymore.

Aikanaro & Moltee

Ihr seit 2 echt gute kumpels von mir geworden hier in toribash, ich hätte nie erwartet dass ihr mir so "ans herz gewachsen seit" (Bitte verstehts jetzt nicht falsch :o), ihr seid echt coole typen, Moltee, hol dir msn :P.


Du bist auch ein echt cooler typ, hätte nie erwartet das ich mich so gut mit dir anfreunde da du ja "so ein hohes tier bist" ;) Bist wirklich nett und du hasts einfach voll drauf in toribash, bleib so "wie de bist"


Auch du hast es echt verdient gegrüßt zu werden, ich kenn dich ja schon seit mehr als 5 monaten, du bist ein echt toller typ, und du hast es echt drauf man =) Ich bin glücklich dass ich dich damals kennen gelernt habe, bleib so.

Siku & Ishi

Yes ive never thought that ill say this stuff, but you know, you always made me bad, and siku, you always rubbed my typos under my nose, but whatever, i just want to say that i thought that you somewhen get that im never trolling on irc or something, i just wanted to understand what the hell was going on, sorry for being only 13 years old, and dont have a qi of 190.
Hope you get it now.


Yes my dad, i have to go too.
You are a extreme cool guy, and i will dont forget you, i hope you will stay as you are, and get up soon, you shouldnt have a cold when it gets warm :P


Thanks for all the stuff you did, your also one of my best friends here, and i appreciate all your art stuff. You sir, have skill, bye "mr. longneck" ;)


Also one of the oldest pals i have here, ive played rarely with you, but when ive played with you, it was awesome =) Your a tough guy and i hope that you still stick around here when i come back, somewhen.


You are the toughest "young fag" i know Cant say anything, your just cool, stay how you are :o)

If i missed anybody, im sorry for that!

It was nice here, and please, nobody Leave Addicted, i dont want it to go down just because of me. I will check the forums as much as possible.

Bye all.

The first one that says "Can i have your stuff?" Is a really cool guy, and gets my whole account not

I will come back...