Ok, here goes.[ I'll refine this and post it in the members thread when i have time ]

All members can invite people.

As we have a good level of trust between members of urban I see no reason why anyone shouldnt be able to invite someone. If they have impressed that member enough to be invited in the first place, that's good enough for me to allow the voting process to start.

On a side note, If you are going to invite someone it would be wise to make should they are not in a clan when you invite them. If they are willing to "ditch" their old clan it doesn't speak well for their character. Disloyalty is not a character trait I want to introduce into Urban.

Due to this I am announcing that Nuramon will not be entering the clan at this time. Once he has fully cut his ties with his old clan he can be reconsidered for an invitation.
Last edited by Ern; Apr 15, 2009 at 02:25 AM.
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo