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Beginner-friendly "all items" list
or [Site] I'm not sure

A few times now I've met people ingame who were curious about certain 3D items and said something along the lines of "if only I could see all the items available", which made me realize that we don't really have a convenient method for that.

Shmevin's thread is very useful, but it wouldn't really be much of a help for a beginner to see what items there are and which look to aim/save for.

Market is not helpful either, since you need to know the exact name of a specific item before searching for it, and sorting tools are very limited in this regard.

I would think of it as an in-game menu page or perhaps a forum website page with a list of all items available for trade (or even the ones that are not), basic info on each item, maybes some previews and links to torishop / market, and most importantly - sorting tools by item colors / categories / availability for purchase.