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skill curve/ceiling
what do you all think the skill curve looks like and where would the skill ceiling for toribash be currently and maybe how far along we are into maxxing out the skill ceiling for toribash?

id say from white to like 2nd-3rd dan would be pretty steep, 3rd-6th would another change in trajectory probably slowing down a bit, then somewhere around 5th - 8th you see another spike in improvement before stagnating , and then 8th-10th is a small bump in skill, and then from 10th-custom you see another massive jump in skill, and after that things get real slow, beyond this point idk how to think about it anymore cuz this is where im at xd

if i had to put all of us somewhere on a imaginary skill chart were probably around 30-40% into maxxing out toribash as far as skill goes

if we compare it to chess, whoever may actually be the best toribasher, they probably wouldnt even be above 2k elo which is like masters territory in chess, theyre probably like 1600 elo ~
Last edited by Kirito; Nov 19, 2023 at 05:44 PM.
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