Soooooo funny story time. I started here ten years ago (2-3 months removed). I just had fun playing boxshu and Mushu. I spent a lot of time warring and playing in-game with the guys over in Kira, back when I was 13-15. I got into the community then, but only hung around clan discussion pages. Nothing really noteworthy, help a few clans with recruiting and page structuring and bullshit like that, and made some really fun friends along the way. It was really over the last 4-5 years that I really had my meaningful connections to people. Being removed from staff for inactivity in the games, school and works taking most of my time, and just not really playing the game itself seemed to be the best course of action for me. I focused more with my clan's community, and a few other clan groups along the way, some old some new. The game really helped me grow up, either being staff and getting the hate from that, or learning to stop giving a shit about what anyone says. It was all really fun. I play when I want to, but the guy's in Liquor, and the few outside of it, really have helped make Frost who Frost is. I care for those guys a ton, and have genuine friends because of it. It's still funny to know, even being 23 now, that Donut and I still have over 500 days on a Snapchat streak that he threatens to break because I send it too early. (Fuck off if you say it's weird, I could care less what you think.)
I've made some really good friends because of this game. And I plan to keep making good friends and memories with the ones who remember to get drunk and enjoy the family we got.
Frost out~~~