There was an actual discussion to get Rule Britannia changed or removed a couple months ago and I am generally baffled, there was a poll put up to get it removed, bare in mind these kind of polls doing absolutely nothing, it's like the bullshit, it does nothing lmfao. The simpletons who want it removed came up with the argument that the song Rule Britannia is "celebrating slavery" which it doesn't, the song is all about how Britain will never be taken over.It's almost with the same incident with the Slave Trader in Bristol that got taken down by the public with ropes after the George Flloyd incident, yes it was a slave trader and yes what he did was a terrible thing but it's there for history and art, if people wanted to get it taken down then the government/MP's should have done a vote. Not let a bunch of brainless people yank down a statue that they have no idea the history behind it.

It's another way to point fingers at racism ever since the George Flloyd incident and the media is distracting with these random things from the real problems our world is facing.

you lot got any views on this?