Originally Posted by Enclave View Post
Beating them senseless isn't the same as disciplining them for doing something wrong -_-.

Oh really? No way, such a distinction was beyond my understanding prior. You've really opened my eyes with this astounding lack of absolute awareness and understanding of viable and transferable comparisons that aren't at opposite ends of the hypothetical spectrum.

Beating them senseless isn't where the line of abuse is. Its like that stupid thing people used with "if ur hand is open its ok" and/or "if theres no mark its not abuse cuz they didnt bruise"

Imagine thinking that. Imagine justifying that kind of behaviour. If you equate abuse to beating a person so hard and for the length of time needed to actively impair their cognitive functions. Then you are suggesting that any amount of beating up until that point comes under discipline.

Now, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that is probably not what you meant, but it's what you've implied pretty heavily. So feel free to re-explain where you think that "abuse" line starts and what examples of *physical* discipline are a-okay.

Cause I'm real curious.