Hey there! My name is Christian. I’m 16 years old and most well known for hanging out in bet servers wasting my tc and erasing my dignity. I spend most of my toribash time either playing abd or getting better at parkour. Outside of tb I play the piano and do fun outdoor stuff like mountain biking and kayaking/paddleboarding. I have a bunch of socks that I’ve mostly grown out since I have a size 13 (american) shoe size. Most of them are black/grey/white.

I have a super awesome lab mix named Kona. He’s super big and strong but at the same time very sweet. Here’s a pic. I know a fair amount of py players reasonably well, mostly being anxiety since he spends a lot of time in bet servers like me. I took a long break after leaving in 2014 and just recently came back after a friend spoke about it. I don’t remember the name of my old alt, but it was only a black belt/brown belt. I’d rather not speak about my mom due to personal reasons but I think she's like 59. I could send you a picture over discord if you wanted but don’t want to do it on the forums here. I’m from the U.S. and I live in Florida. It’s as flat as a pancake here and pretty hot, but stuff like the ocean and sunsets more than make up for it. surfing is fun

The main reason I want to join py is because there's no player in the clan that I dislike and there's more than a few that I like which I can't say for all clans. Aside from a few recommendations from other players, I see cool players in py like anxiety, cryzy, and luxury pretty much every day. Hope you guys accept me into your clan, I'd love to be a part of it. Thanks!
infant cruncher toddler toucher
