Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Spaztic_One View Post
2.8 GHz PRocessor, I think it's dual core or dual thread, not sure which. You know the difference by chance (**doesn't feel like looking it up)?

Dual core means a single chip actually contains two CPUs. Older bi-processor systems actually had two separate CPU sockets. Dual core is cheaper to build and can also help performance since the multiple CPUs can use the same level 2 cache, saving (slow) bus transfers otherwise needed to synchronize caches.

"Multithreaded" processors (Intel calls that Hyperthreading) are single core processors that pretend to be multi-core. Apparently, the idea is to try and keep the CPU busy while one thread is blocked on (slow) bus access.

Most new computers nowadays use multi-core processors.

I hope that clarifies the difference between multi-core and multi-thread processors...

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