Original Post
Jam's new sword mod (a server is set up!)
I know we already have heaps of sword mods, but this one is improved! Chest spins 360* and the lengths of the swords is perfect for launching. (by that i mean that its easy to remove from the wrist to throw.)

I have a server set up with this mod. (thanx suo =D) "Jams server"
Hope to see you there! (make sure you have both players version b4 you go on server.)

Two easy ways to remove one of your swords (for later throwing)

hold all
contract both pecs
contract one elbow (either one, just not both)

another one

hold all
contract both pecs


contract one wrist (either one, just not both)
Attached Files
Jamsword.tbm (10.1 KB, 174 views)
Jamswordbothplayers.tbm (5.1 KB, 126 views)
Last edited by Jam0864; Sep 30, 2007 at 04:18 AM.