Original Post
Please guys read it all ,this will make you understand how do i feel...

Well ya guys already know what i did...
I wanted to be somewhat "hacker" i thought that was cool,but on second way there was some guys was pissing me off (trolling) The names are Dalir(For sure),Shin ryuu(Maybe,i dont remember) e.t.c. And they was insulting me for having a bad grammar. yes i do have bad grammar,so what?
And i was kinda RAGE and wanted to take this guys down using botnet(Trojan attacking tool)Well,i got it but that leaded me account banned..and for what? for a lifeless 11 year old trolls? i was so stupid that moment and i wanted my account back..that account is really important to me but it was impossible to get it back. I made lots of new account trying to stay in game but all got banned for evading,after 5 months i made THIS account and i chose to remain as "Anonymous" By pretending like i don't know anyone.
After endings of 2008 they got me,but i cannot believed that they allowed me to stay on forums.

The bad is that everyone flames me EVERYWHERE,In game,On IRC,On forums,Private messaging etc.
As you can see everyone calls me an fag,gay,idiot,asshole,Even with racism language.
But i know beacose i deserve itI was outstanding stupid and im still think that i dont deserve to belong here,but i stay beacose i have to play with my friends...
Elladara,Powelly,DarkSeraph,supakiller,wootkill,AT HENS etc..

The most important shit i was leader of clan TAG,IdiotForce (Aka darkseraph)
Let me the leading,i won at voting and everyone of the clan was liking me,After that botnet shit no one cares about me Only wootkill cares.
I also had traitors members like kitfox he was like ,"Haxbox you rock!" amd after he turned leader he is like,"Get the fuck out haxbox."

Dramatic isnt it?

So guys if you want me to "lick your boot(Apologise)"
Reply me here.

Thank you verry much toribashians.
Have a great day.